Pursuant to Board Policy and Administrative Regulations, students may possess cellular phones while on campus provided that such devices do not disrupt the educational program or school activity or the encouragement of prohibited conduct, are not used for illegal or unethical activities, and does not infringe on the privacy rights of any other person. Cellular phones must be turned off during class time and any other time directed by a member of the faculty and staff. If a disruption or misuse occurs, the device will be confiscated and released only to a parent/guardian.
In accordance with Board Policy and Administrative Regulations on search and seizure, a school official may search a student’s cellular phone device, including, but not limited to, reviewing messages or viewing pictures.
If a cellular phone is lost or stolen, a report will be taken by the site and, if warranted, local law enforcement may be contacted. The District assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen devices. If a non-allowed electronic device is brought to school and is lost or stolen, the District will not investigate the loss or theft.