The goal of language acquisition programs is for students to become proficient in English as rapidly as possible and to meet state academic achievement measures. This district’s reclassification criteria are listed below.
English Language Proficiency Assessment
Overall performance level of “Early Advanced” or Advanced” on the English language proficiency assessment, with each domain score of “Intermediate” or higher. For Grades K-1 only the listening and speaking domains must be at the “Intermediate” level or above.
Comparison of Performance in Basic Skills
Overall achievement level at or above the grade level average for the District on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium English Language Arts and Literacy summative assessment (Grades 3-8 only) in addition to other objective academic performance indicators used to determine comparable performance to English proficient students in basic skills including, but not limited to: standards-based report cards, district benchmark assessments, instructional material embedded assessments, other assessments, and student work.
Teacher Evaluation
Consideration of other objective academic factors to determine the English Language Arts and Literacy proficiency in comparison to English proficient students, as well as the capacity to complete grade level coursework comparable to English proficient students without the need for English Language Development support.
Parental Opinion and Consultation
Consideration of other objective academic factors to determine the English Language Arts and Literacy proficiency in comparison to English proficient students, as well as the capacity to complete grade level coursework comparable to English proficient students without the need for English Language Development support.