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The Vineland School District is committed to strengthening family and community engagement and building relationships among all stakeholders in the education of the district’s students.  The district will effectively and appropriately develop programs for family and communities members consistent with the State’s adopted Family Engagement Framework, 2011.

Building Capacity.  Capacity Building for families and community members include:

  • Ensuring all principals understand and implement required and effective parental involvement practices at their schools.
  • Establishing family-friendly volunteer policies to recruit and organize parent help and support.
  • Training parents to successfully participate in curricular and budgetary decision making.
  • Identifying and integrating resources and services from the community to strengthen school programs, family practices, and student learning and development.
  • Ensuring staff and family access to training in effective school, family, and community partnerships.
  • Training staff, with the assistance of parents, in how to reach out to and work with parents as equal partners in their children’s education.
  • Ensuring that teachers and families have the knowledge and tools to help students with homework and other curriculum-related activities (i.e., literacy and/or math nights, homework help, and classroom instructional observations).

Demonstrate Leadership. Opportunities for families and community members to develop and demonstrate leadership include:

  • Ensuring that all schools have family/parent involvement programs.
  • Meeting requirements of state and federal law regarding family involvement.
    • Ensuring parent representation on district and school committees as required by law.
    • Establishing district family involvement policies and programs.
    • Ensuring parent representation on district and school committees as required by law.
    • Establishing district family involvement policies and programs.
  • Involving families in advisory bodies and training strategies.

Monitor Progress. Opportunities for family and community members to be involved in monitoring the progress of the several District programs include:

  • Ensuring all schools integrate parental involvement programs into the school’s Single Plan for Student Achievement [EC 11502(e), 11504].
  • Providing oversight, support, and coordination of parent involvement activities among district schools and programs.
  • Documenting the progress of each school’s implementation of its parent involvement program [EC 11503(c)(d), refers specifically to Title I].
  • Assessing every principal’s effectiveness in establishing and maintaining the school, family, and community partnerships at his or her school.

Access and Equity. Access and Equity for all families and community members include:

  • Ensuring that critical parent information is readily available in accessible formats and languages spoken by families in the district.
  • Ensuring that parent representation on committees reflects the composition of the student body
  • Ensuring that schools have a system in place with multiple strategies to facilitate two-way communication with parents and community members on a regular basis

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